What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of Shared Parenting?

In this blog post, learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of shared parenting.

April 22, 2022

Under Ohio family law, divorcing parents initially have equal rights and responsibilities when it comes to children. "Custody" refers to major decision-making for children. In a divorce, courts in Ohio typically favor shared parenting, or joint legal custody, arrangements. This type of arrangement, while popular, should be understood and explored when deciding if this arrangement is right for your family.

Below, child custody attorneys from Wagner & Bloch discuss the advantages and disadvantages of shared parenting and how it differs from sole custody.

Sole Custody Vs. Shared Parenting

Sole custody is a situation where a child resides with one or both parents for set periods of time, but only one of the parents makes the major decisions for the child.

On the other hand, shared parenting is a situation where a child resides with both parents for set periods of time, and both parents have an equal say regarding important decisions about the child.

What Are the Advantages of Shared Parenting?

  • Avoid burnout – Raising a child alone is hard work and can be exhausting. Shared parenting allows both parents to participate in the child’s upbringing. As a result, it helps ease the pressure on both parents and maintains consistency in the child's life.
  • A more stable environment – In a typical shared parenting arrangement, a child remains in constant connection with both parents, providing a more stable home environment.
  • Shared parenting responsibilities - Not only will a child enjoy time with both parents, but parents will enjoy shared responsibilities such as decision-making, childcare, health care decisions, meal prep, participation in extracurricular activities and more.
  • Flexibility - A shared parenting plan can be as detailed, or as simplistic, as your family requires.

What are the Disadvantages of Shared Parenting?

  • It is important to note that disagreements on important matters about children arise between parents who are still married and even in situations when one parent has sole custody.
  • However, if both parents cannot work together or cannot communicate in a health way, it can trigger conflicts and arguments. 
  • Ongoing, respectful, and healthy communication is a requirement of successful shared parenting. 
  • Shared parenting, just like parenting, takes work and time and you will be expected to continue to work with the other parent for the benefit of your child.

How to Create a Plan for Parenting Time

If you are going through a divorce and/or plan on pursuing shared parenting, it makes sense to work together with the other parent to draft a schedule for parenting time. Your parenting plan will outline how both of you will continue to provide for your child when you go separate ways. Be sure to account for communication, parenting styles, lifestyle changes, holidays, vacations and other situations that may require flexibility and adaptation. By determining how these matters can be resolved from the outset of your separation, you can develop a parenting plan that best fits your family.

Contact a Cincinnati Child Custody Attorney for Help

Need help understanding child custody, parenting time, and how divorce will affect your ability to parent? We can help. Contact our Cincinnati family law firm today to get started.

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